Ankle Injuries

Ankle Injuries.

Stem cell treatment.

The ankle bone (talus) and the lower end of the two-leg bones form the ankle joint. Ligaments, which connect the bones together, stabilize and support the joint. Muscles and tendons move it.

The most common ankle problems are sprains and fractures (broken bones). A strain or sprain is an injury to the ligaments. Sprains can take a few weeks or up to several months to heal completely. A fracture is a break in a bone. Injuries can also occur to other parts of the ankle such as the tendons, which attach the muscles to the bone, and the cartilage, which cushions the friction and impact of the joints. Sprains and fractures of the ankle are common sports injuries.

In Novastem we have treatments to treat permanent sequelae in ankle injuries that affect the quality of life in patients, more information on how we can help you, schedule an appointment with one of our specialists

Frequent ankle pathology:


The ankle is stabilized laterally by the lateral ligaments being the external ligament (LLE) the most frequently injured, in turn of the 3 fascicles that make up the ligament the most affected in sprains is usually the anterior peroneoastragal anterior (LPAA); being rare injuries of the internal lateral ligament (LLI).

The injuries of the LLE are produced by sudden movements where the joint describes a movement of approximation + internal rotation of the foot or what is the same for a hyperinversion that exceeds the elasticity of the ligament

LLI injuries are due to a forced valgus + external rotation position.


  • Grade I: mild sprain without ligament rupture. Mild tenderness with discrete swelling, stability.
  • Grade II: sprain with partial ligament rupture. Pain, swelling, ecchymosis, stability, difficulty walking.
  • Grade III: complete ligamentous rupture of the anterior and posterior peroneoastotalar ligament. Severe pain, swelling, hemorrhage, instability, inability to walk.


  • Check the mechanism by which the injury occurred.
  • Pain, increasing with inversion
  • Edema (not related to grade)


Ankle sprains are treated according to their classification. Grade I and II sprains are treated conservatively while Grade III sprains are mostly treated surgically.

Benefits of using stem cell therapy

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy promotes cartilage tissue repair from its own cellular and biochemical components. It restores damage from within. In other words, it is possible to regenerate back cartilage with stem cells.

Stem cells have been recognized for some decades now as a great therapeutic possibility for treating a wide variety of diseases and ailments. These cells have the amazing ability to differentiate into other cells.

When stem cells are introduced into the ankle, they promote the formation of new cartilage cells (called chondrocytes) and new, stronger collagen fibers, which stabilize the tissue and restore its elastic properties.

How do we do it at Novastem?

Over the years, numerous attempts have been made to discover medical and non-medical treatment options for this condition. In some cases, medical treatments have led to increased survival and improved quality of life, and options for non-medical therapeutics have emerged. 

Novastem’s goal with our treatments is to reverse the lack of functionality, eliminating pain and allowing you to enjoy 100% of daily activities and life again.

In Novastem we have the strictest protocols of acceptance to treat patient laboratory studies are performed before each therapy, we use for joint injuries injection of mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow with platelet-rich plasma or PRP, the treatment is guided by ultrasound and / or fluoroscopy of a single day with or without anesthesia for direct application in the area to be treated.


Melick, G., Hayman, N., & Landsman, A. S. (2018). Mesenchymal Stem Cell Applications for Joints in the Foot and Ankle. Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery, 35(3), 323–330. Tan, E. W., & Schon, L. C. (2016). Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Bearing Sutures for Tendon Repair and Healing in the Foot and Ankle. Foot and ankle clinics, 21(4), 885–890. Reviewed by Vanessa Felix, MDLast Updated: October 31st, 2022

In Novastem we have treatments to treat permanent sequelae in ankle injuries that affect the quality of life in patients, more information on how we can help you, schedule an appointment with one of our specialists

Learn more about the scientific basis of our work at Novastem here.

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