Can Stem Cell Shots Heal Nerve Pain?

Nerve pain is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States and Canada. It's a frustrating feeling that causes suffering to a large portion of the population. Thankfully, if you’re experiencing the uncomfortable feeling that comes along with this condition, there are many different options for healing your nerve pain. In this article, we’re going to provide you with all the information needed so you can learn about how stem cell shots can heal nerve pain.

Pain can be an indicator of a much more severe condition.

Nerve pain is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States and Canada.

It’s a frustrating feeling that causes suffering to a large portion of the population.

Thankfully, if you’re experiencing the uncomfortable feeling that comes along with this condition, there are many different options for healing your nerve pain.

In this article we’re going to provide you with all the information needed so you can learn about how stem cell shots can heal nerve pain.

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What is the difference between nerve pain and muscle pain?

When you experience pain, the cause of it may not be as obvious as many think.

Your doctor will probably ask you to describe it or even go to the length of ordering an ultrasound to identify the exact cause of pain.

They will want the most information they can gather about the location and intensity.

What they’re really doing is trying to determine if what you’re experiencing is muscle pain or nerve pain.

What is muscle pain?

Doctors often refer to muscle pain as musculoskeletal pain.

Musculoskeletal pain falls into the category of nociceptive pain, which occurs because your muscle tissues have been damaged.

Nociceptive pain may be caused by anything from a broken bone that occurs in a car accident to a cut with a chainsaw or a burn if you stepped on a fire pit.

It’s called nociceptive because of the sensory nerve endings that detect damaged tissue, nociceptors.

If you experience this type of pain, your movement or position will influence the intensity.

You may even worsen it if you sneeze, laugh or breathe.

As you experience this pain, your muscle swells up and this inflammation may turn into chronic pain if it doesn’t heal.

Chronic pain is defined by many doctors as pain that persists after 90 days or longer than it takes for your tissues to heal (it may be different depending on the person’s age or any other conditions).

Treatment for muscle pain includes:

♦ Resting the injured muscles
♦ Applying heat or cold
♦ Using anti-inflammatory medications

What is nerve pain?

When the pathways by which signals travel to and from the brain are damaged, you may experience nerve pain.

This damage may cause the signals to become abnormal which may translate into intense pain.

Diseases like HIV or multiple sclerosis may cause nerve damage and hence develop into chronic nerve pain.

A stroke or any trauma to the central nervous system may also cause nerve pain.

If the nervous system malfunctions, there is a high probability you may suffer nerve pain in the form of a burning sensation or as if you were getting electrocuted.

Treatment for nerve pain often involves:

♦ Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
♦ Physical therapy
♦ Acupuncture
♦ Stem cell therapy for nerve pain

How do stem cells heal nerve pain?

If you’re experiencing severe nerve pain, you’ll be happy to learn that stem cells can provide you with the alternative you’ve been looking for.

At Novastem, we’ve received dozens of patients who came from seemingly hopeless cases (doctors had told them their only option was surgery), and have been able to turn around their condition, reducing their pain by 90-95%.

Stem cell shots focus on nerve regeneration, providing a more sustainable and healthy option than surgery.

During the application of stem cells to heal nerve pain, patients receive an injection directly at the site of damage.

After the injection, stem cells can transform into tissue to form new neural pathways and support cells that will encourage your body to produce these cells on its own.

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Are stem cell shots effective for nerve regeneration?

Stem cell therapy has proven to be a powerful alternative to surgery when it comes to healing nerve pain.

The regenerative properties of stem cells serve as the primary catalyst that reduces the damage to peripheral nerves and improves tissue reformation.

In some cases, patients who visit Novastem for stem cell shots for nerve pain have complete functional recovery.

You might be wondering if it will be effective for you or your loved one.

That question is difficult to answer straightforwardly because of three main reasons:

♦ There is a large variety of types of chronic nerve damage
♦ Newer nerve damage may be easier to repair than older damage
♦ Your health situation is unique, we cannot generalize

In other words, some patients might experience phenomenal results (and at Novastem they often do) but since your body and situation is unique this might not be the case.

Also, keep in mind that severe nerve damage from Alzheimers or multiple sclerosis might be very different than the damage caused by diabetes.


Stem cell therapy is a relatively new field but it has proven to help in nerve pain cases where the only alternative is surgery.

There is a clear distinction between muscle pain and nerve pain, both may be treated by injecting stem cells directly to the affected area.

The effectiveness of stem cell therapy for nerve pain depends on a variety of factors because each body is unique and since some nerve damage may be more severe than others.

If you or your loved one are experiencing any form of pain (nerve pain or muscle pain), stem cell therapy might be a good alternative that can reduce pain by almost 100%.

The quickest way to find out if you or your love one may be candidates for our program is by scheduling a telemedicine consultation by clicking here.

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